Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall Lantern Walk

Come enjoy an evening stroll in the Holbrook Town Forest
Saturday November 1st at 4:00 pm
(Raindate Sunday November 2nd)
Sodergren-McKay Entrance (Park Drive)

Bring your own non-flammable lantern, or
Make a glow stick lantern with us on Oct 15th at the Holbrook Town Hall at 7:30 pm.

Please bring water and bug spray.
Sponsored by
Holbrook Friends of the Forest,
Holbrook Town Forest Committee,
Holbrook Conservation Commission,
Braintree Conservation Commission,
Cub Scouts Pack 56, Boy Scouts Troops 56 & 153,
Holbrook Girl Scouts
South School Ecology Club
http://holbrooktownforest.blogspot.com/ or call 781-767-4312

Town Forest Harvest Hike

Saturday October 18th
2:00 pm

(Rain date Sunday October 25th)

Come enjoy the beauty of autumn in the
Holbrook Town Forest

We will depart from the Sodergren-McKay (Park Drive) Entrance, travel north on Wiggins Trail, cross into Braintree and circle Cranberry Pond before heading back down Wiggins Trail. This will be a little longer than the usual organized hikes.
We hope you can join us.
Please bring water, bug spray and a snack.

Sponsored by
Holbrook Friends of the Forest,
Holbrook Town Forest Committee,
Holbrook Conservation Commission,
Braintree Conservation Commission,
Cub Scouts Pack 56, Boy Scouts Troops 56 & 153,
Holbrook Girl Scouts
South School Ecology Club
http://holbrooktownforest.blogspot.com/ or call 781-767-4312

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Land and Water License Plate- Will help protect our Town Forest!

The Massachusetts Environmental Trust has launched a new “Land and Water Conservation” license plate to support the conservation of land critical to the protection of the state's water resources. From their website:

"Development near our lakes, ponds, rivers and coasts - and the fertilizer, storm water run-off and other non-point source pollution it brings - is the greatest single threat to Massachusetts waters.
Conservation and protection of supporting land is the most effective strategy for protecting the region’s water quality, fish and other rare aquatic species and habitat. Protecting buffers along our rivers, lakes and ponds is essential to keep these waters clean for drinking water, recreation and wildlife.
Proceeds from the new Land and Water Conservation license plate will be segregated in a separate fund dedicated to the acquisition, stewardship and restoration of land affecting 9,000 miles of streams and rivers, 1,100 lakes and ponds and over 1,500 miles of coastline - of which many thousands of acres are unprotected. By purchasing this plate, you help protect core terrestrial and wetlands habitat and other priority watershed areas as identified on the State’s Natural Heritage Biomap, Living Waters, and Statewide Land Conservation Plan.
The Massachusetts Environmental Trust protects the lakes, rivers and coastal waters of Massachusetts."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Forest Land Still Not Protected

On May 20th, Town Meeting accepted the above article, thereby voting to correct the deeds of 3 parcels, totaling about 29 acres to read "Public Domain/ Town Forest". (For more info see the May 21st posting below.) As of today, the change has not been recorded. That means, those parcels are still not protected. Currently much of that land is deeded "Tax title/ Town of Holbrook" , so the land isn't really protected, is it? There is no good reason for the delay; it is a breach of trust, and shows a lack of commitment to the town meeting process.

The following response was received from the Town Administrator regarding the delay: "Town Counsel (aka Arthur George) has indicated that actions of Town Meeting are not required to be recorded. " So much for the Town Meeting process. (You'll remember that the initial petition by 200plus citizens to deem the land conservation was "struck down as improper" by Mr. George,and Town Moderator Patrick Cullhane, and not even allowed to be voted on at the previous town meeting).
What's up with that?

Fall Meeting Schedule

The Holbrook Town Forest Committee has meetings scheduled on the following Wednesdays at 7:30pm at Town Hall.

September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17

Please join us. Your help is needed to maintain, preserve and enjoy this wonderful public asset.