Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's Officially Spring in Holbrook!

Here are some Spotted Salamanders and Wood Frogs making the trek to the Vernals Pools on a recent Rainy night! Spring has arrived at last !
Click on pictures for more detail, or visit

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sign Painting Event

Saturday March 28th
At Town Hall

We will be painting new trail signs for the Forest!
If you can, bring rags and a paint brush.
Wear your “painting clothes”.

Sponsored by the Holbrook Town Forest Committee
For more information call 781-767-4312

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Water: She's a Runnin'

Here at the "Boy Scout Bridge",on route to Cranberry Pond, the spring waters are flowing at a good clip. The birds are out and the pond is almost melted, sure signs that spring is on it's way.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just like this!

A beautiful, quiet walk in the Holbrook Town Forest today
revealed this artsy display; a dry beech leaf was poised
on a leaf-shaped stone along the Wiggin Trail.
Stopping to look at nature often yields such unexpected surprises.

Are there Fairies in the Forest?

Sometimes things are not as they seem; zoom in to see what this really is! A Forest Friend spotted it today off of Wiggin Trail.