Sunday, November 23, 2008


On the blustery Saturday morning of November 22, a group of dedicated hardworking community volunteers braved the cold and wind to help their neighbors in need.
The Turkey Hill Firewise focus mission for 2008 was to continue to clear the homes surrounding the Town Forest of brush, as we believe this will have the most impact in keeping our homes and forest safe from the spread of wildfire. This helps save lives, property damage, and potentially fire fighting resources for our town.

Last Saturday we got a head start on Chipper Day (to be held this coming Saturday, Nov 29 at 8am), by helping some of the neighbors who needed a little help in getting their brush, and fallen debris curbside. Knowing your actions can help save the lives of a neighbor or firefighter is a very rewarding incentive.

The extraordinary volunteers who pitched in on Saturday November 22 were Tim Grow(CCD), Kyle Kenneally, Matt Lewis(CCD & Troop 56), Chris Vogel(Troop 153), Nicholas LaForge(Troop 56), Dan Lewis(Troop 56), Nick Duggan(Troop 56),Andrew Cummings(Troop 56), and Eric Kenneally(CCD). These young men are to be commended for the hard work , teamwork, and the sense of community they exhibited, as they worked along side Norfolk County Fire Patrolman Mike Marquardt, Bill Goodwin(Troop 153), Dale Lewis(Troop 56), and myself under tough weather conditions.

Everyday real citizens do real things to help their neighbors and community, and these young men showed extraordinary efforts. On behalf of the Holbrook Town Forest Committee, The Friends of the Holbrook Town Forest, and the Firewise Task Force, thank you!
If you live along the Weymouth and Pine Street “Forest Corridor”, please help our efforts by putting out your brush by 8 am on Saturday Chipper Day November 29th .

Today's Boston Globe!

Globe South Community Briefing

HOLBROOK CHIPPER DAY - The National Fire Protection Association is hosting another Firewise Chipper Day on Saturday to help people who live near the forest corridor clear brush and dead branches from their property. Officials from the association, which is based in Quincy, say that the dead brush is a fire hazard, and its removal can potentially prevent house fires. The Turkey Hill Firewise program will focus on the properties along Pine and Weymouth streets, and the chipper will be run at the old town fire site in the neighborhood. The chips, produced from emulsifying the branches and brush, will be recycled by the Department of Public Works. People are invited to gather for a cookout and hot chocolate as well.
- Franci Richardson Ellement

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Algonquin Pipeline Hearing at Con Com Monday Night

This 3 foot wide Pipeline is proposed to go through part of the HOLBROOK TOWN FOREST!!

Appeared in: The Patriot Ledger on Friday, 11/07/2008

Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Holbrook Wetlands Protection by-law, the Holbrook Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 17, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in Holbrook Town Hall to consider a Notice of Intent. Project description: Notice of Intent for the construction of 1.81 miles of the I-10 Extension, a new 36-inch diameter natural gas pipeline which is part of Algonquin Gas Transmission's Hubline/East to West Project. Within Holbrook, the proposed project is located between the Holbrook/Braintree municipal boundary east of Pine Street and runs east to the Holbrook/Randolph municipal boundary near Centre Street, within and adjacent to the existing NSTAR transmission line easement on multiple parcels.
Applicant: Algonquin
Project Location: multiple lots in Holbrook, MA 02343.
Brinsley Fuller, Chairman

Firewise means survival

This photo is from , and shows that your home can survive a wildfire. Check out "The Difference" Public Service Announcement . It explains that isn't random that some homes burn and others survive; "the difference" is making your home firewise, which included clearing away all the brush, and combustible material. If you live in the area surrounding the Holbrook Town Forest, we hope you'll join us for Chipper Day, November 29th. Meanwhile, our thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved in the current Southern California wildfires.

Ben clears the way!

Sometimes we have to cut down a tree or two for public safety, or the safety of the forest.

Recently, we had an old rotting tree fall over the Wiggins Trail, and get hung up on another tree. The second tree bent over, and was spring loaded, creating a dangerous situation, for passersby and volunteer forest workers. Fortunately, Ben from the Dept of Public Works was able to cut these trees down, leaving the Wiggins Trail safe for all. Thank you Ben!

Monday, November 3, 2008

CHIPPER DAY is Saturday November 29

Turkey Hill Firewise 2008

CHIPPER DAY Saturday Nov 29th, 2008
Clearing brush and dead branches from your property greatly reduces the chances of a fire spreading to your house. To protect the Holbrook Town Forest and surrounding homes (along Pine and Weymouth Streets) from the threat of wildfire, we are having another Chipper Day. Mr. West will run a chipper up the street. The DPW will use the chips.
In April 2007 we had a very successful day, read our story at

To be included call 781-767-6000 today & have brush out by 8 am

If you can help on Nov 22nd (Help your neighbor day) or Nov 29th(Chipper Day), or if you need help clearing brush from your yard please call 781-767-6000.

We still need volunteers, and we hope to have a little cookout with hot chocolate at the old fire tower site, and we will need people to pick up and sweep behind the truck after he is finished.
Firewise is a national program, based in of Quincy, MA. The program recognizes communities for taking action to protect people and properties from the risk of Fire in the wildland/urban interface.
Community contact- Pat Greely 781-767-6000 & Dale Lewis 781-767-9674

National Fire Protection Association-Michele Steinberg (617) 984-7487