Monday, November 3, 2008

CHIPPER DAY is Saturday November 29

Turkey Hill Firewise 2008

CHIPPER DAY Saturday Nov 29th, 2008
Clearing brush and dead branches from your property greatly reduces the chances of a fire spreading to your house. To protect the Holbrook Town Forest and surrounding homes (along Pine and Weymouth Streets) from the threat of wildfire, we are having another Chipper Day. Mr. West will run a chipper up the street. The DPW will use the chips.
In April 2007 we had a very successful day, read our story at

To be included call 781-767-6000 today & have brush out by 8 am

If you can help on Nov 22nd (Help your neighbor day) or Nov 29th(Chipper Day), or if you need help clearing brush from your yard please call 781-767-6000.

We still need volunteers, and we hope to have a little cookout with hot chocolate at the old fire tower site, and we will need people to pick up and sweep behind the truck after he is finished.
Firewise is a national program, based in of Quincy, MA. The program recognizes communities for taking action to protect people and properties from the risk of Fire in the wildland/urban interface.
Community contact- Pat Greely 781-767-6000 & Dale Lewis 781-767-9674

National Fire Protection Association-Michele Steinberg (617) 984-7487

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