Friday, January 11, 2008


Welcome to the Holbrook Town Forest Blog! This is a place to learn, share and enjoy the features, events and history of this precious public resource.
The Town Forest is a beautiful part of Holbrook Massachusetts. This undeveloped land is part of Cranberry Brook Watershed Area of Critical Environmental Concern, a major important contributor to the Ricardi Reservoir. It contains large, rare sphagnum quaking bogs surrounded by Atlantic White Cedar Swamps. The 112 acre Town Forest is protected by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Program (part of the MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife), as it is home to a number of rare and endangered species. The Town Forest is managed by the three member Holbrook Town Forest Committee (, who are appointed by the Selectmen of the Town of Holbrook. In the weeks ahead the Friends of the Holbrook Town Forest hope to post a calendar of natural occurrences, and sitings, photos and events and pertinent links. We hope to see you in the forest!


jmuffin7 said...

FINALLY!!! A blog for us naturalists!! I love the Holbrook Town Forest. It's the last of it's kind (almost). I've been to a few events, and always, always, have great time. The Holbrook Town Forest is home to many a wonderous creatures and needs to be well protected and preserved!! Look forward to hearing about upcoming events.........

Jack Pine said...

It's great to have a Blog for our town forest! Here's to the 4 seasons and may the good folks of our community get out and experience the best of them in our own greenspace.

Jack Pine