Thursday, August 20, 2009

Forest Support Needed This Monday

The Holbrook Town Forest committee has proposed a small parking area at 255 Pine Street at the Carolyn Long entrance. This would allow approximately 8 cars to pull off the street and park and turn around room so they would not need to be doing U-turns on Pine Street, or blocking neighbor’s driveways. We hope to remove only a few trees on the lot, and to have a picnic table and kiosk with uniform signage. The lot has 124 feet of frontage.

The purpose of this project is to increase accessibility to the Town Forest. This will also allow a place for groups to meet to enter the forest, keep the younger kids from being in the street, and be a resting/picnic spot for those entering the Town Forest. Additionally, this should help reduce some of the strain/ overuse/erosion/neighbor issues on Park Drive and Wiggins Trail.

As you may recall, next year marks the 50th anniversary of the Carolyn Long Trail, and this is part of the Town Forest Committee’ s and Friends of the Forest’s efforts to revitalize that trail.

A Conservation hearing is this Monday night at 7:30, the abutters have been notified, and if you support this project, could you please come or leave a message of support with the Town Administrator or email the Holbrook Town Forest Committee or the Conservation Commission. Public input is vital to this being a successful project.

Michael Yunits: 781-767-4312
Holbrook Town Forest Committee 781-767-4312
Holbrook Conservation Commission 781-767-9058

Thank you & see you in the Forest!

1 comment:

Patricia Greely said...

There seems to be a little confusion about what a "Kiosk". It is just an informational park sign.